The Whisper: Listening to the Call of Your Soul
Dec 09, 2024
"What's the whisper? The quiet nudge that keeps getting louder, demanding a bigger version of you? What is the "thing" you really want to do, but have never said yes to?
These were some of the questions asked in an email to my inbox today from Coach Andrew Flynn.
I took a moment and imagined what this was for myself. I tapped into what came to the surface and more importantly how what came up, felt.
The word was not a whisper, but was big and BOLD. The word was 'AMPLIFY'.
am·pli·fy - increase the volume of (sound), to enlarge, to EXPAND
For many of us, this word represents a deep knowing that we are meant for more—not just to achieve, but to impact and inspire. It’s about stepping fully into the bigger version of yourself, the one that has been waiting patiently for you to amplify; to lead, to grab the mic, to share your voice, your story and confidently take up space, showing others it's ok to do the same.
For me, the whisper has grown louder over time. It’s been telling me to step boldy into the arena as a global force in transformational entrepreneurship—a leader who not only helps entrepreneurs and CEOs find clarity, focus, purpose and momentum, but also disrupts the status quo in a way that shifts paradigms and leaves a lasting mark.
The “Yes” You Haven’t Fully Claimed (Yet)
What is the “thing” you’ve been holding back from? For me, it’s creating something that feels SO BIG: a publishing house that shifts paradigms, inspires change, and does things differently. It’s also saying yes to amplifying my voice, my mission, and our impact on a global scale so that you have a platform to amplify your voice, your mission and your impact.
On the other side of this goal is a ripple effect that transforms lives, communities, and even generations. It’s entrepreneurs who finally find their power and clarity through Monarch Momentum. It’s authors who create legacies with stories that inspire and create change. It’s families who embrace intentional living after being moved by our own adventures. It’s children who dare to dream bigger because they’ve seen what’s possible.
How Does That Feel?
It feels EXPANSIVE. It feels like freedom, alignment, abundance, and love. It feels like you’ve answered the call of your soul—not just as a disruptor, but as a builder of new ways.
This is where the magic begins: leaning into the feeling of what’s waiting for you on the other side of your “yes.” Like Andrew says, 'forget the how'—you’re already doing it, step by step. The whisper is your guide, and it’s your job to listen.
Your Turn to Soar
What’s your whisper nudging you toward? What big, audacious goal have you been holding back from? Imagine it. Feel it. Lean into the energy of what’s possible.
It’s time. Let’s soarš¦
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