Positively impact the world while earning a great living and have the dream life you desire. Let's do business differently and have some FUN! 

Sound Familiar?

√ You’d love to offer a digital product to diversify and scale your income.

√ You have a signature 1:1 service and want to scale to a 1:Many model

√ You need to expand your reach and attract your ideal clients.

√ You want marketing and sales strategies that lead to consistent income.

√ You need a coach to help you find clarity and get you out of your own way

√ You want a roadmap - one source that provides everything you need and tells you exactly how to do it!

√ You want to make an impact and good money while you’re at it!

√ You're ready to master your business model for consistent 6 figure years.

√ You lack focus, accountability and need clarity and support.

√ You value and desire to connect with a community of like-minded women who truly support each other.


Monarch Business Academy (MBA)

What you say yes to is just as important as what you say no to! Inside MBA we guide you to building a business that impacts the world, doing work that you love, while creating the freedom you desire.

It’s time to get your MBA—the world needs what you have!


√ Feeling in control and creating space in your business so you can get out of the weeds and free from feeling stuck in hustle mode

√ Collaborating and connecting with heart-centred entrepreneurs 

√ Only working with your most ideal dreamy clients! 

√ Making money doing what you love!

√ Feeling ease and calm as you build, scale, and launch your offers

√ Stepping into your light with confidence and making the impact you are meant to make in this world

This isn’t a dream. This is daily life inside the MBA!



This isn't just another program. The amount of value, personal growth and support that you receive inside this container is incredible! No matter where you are in your business journey, Amanda's method provides clarity, direction, and community while reducing the overwhelm. This program is easily one of the best on the market. "

~Amanda Bellamy

Beyond Launch

Many heart-centered entrepreneurs join Monarch Business Academy, determined to mastermind the perfect launch. Want to know a secret? What you find inside MBA is SO far beyond the launch, you’d be hard-pressed to find anything more comprehensive. IT’S REALLY THAT GOOD! 


What you get...

√ A solid foundation to build and future-proof your business.

√ Confidence in building a business around your life and your Human Design

√ The clarity to niche down, find and connect with your ideal clients.

√ A big picture strategy and business model for sustainable long-term growth.

√ A foolproof formula for mastering your marketing and sales with integrity and grace.

√ The clarity, confidence and willingness to succeed doing what you are meant to do in this world!

Once you illuminate the vision, recognize the impact, and establish the foundation, your journey to launching your dream life has begun! HOLD ON TIGHT. IT’S A CRAZY RIDE!


Monarch Business Academy 

Monarch Business Academy (MBA) is a transformational experience that gives heart-centred entrepreneurs a safe space to build, grow, and launch! 

Let's refine your business model, identify your signature offers and business suite, and scale with ease and speed.

I created Monarch Business Academy to help passionate women give life to their dreams. I use 20 years of business and launch experience, and distill industry knowledge into bite-sized, actionable steps. Proven ways to help you take your dream and turn it into the biggest success story of your life!

Amanda Wilson-Ciocci, Founder

Celebrating Success!

Carley Simandl Empowerment Coach

“Be Your Own Best Friend”

Challenge: Not recognizing or understanding personal blindspots around sales pages and funnels


√ SOLD OUT 25 spots before launch

√ Waitlist for next launch

√ Feeling confident about future launches

"I had a product I wanted to launch and quite honestly no idea where to start. This program was foundational for me. It helped me understand the community I wanted to serve and how to reach them."


We're not interested in average!

The heart-centred women who join MBA are far from ordinary. 

If you’re passionate about your work and driven to make your mark, you belong in this program!

You’re extraordinary! Your message matters, and your work is valuable. 

This program is transformational and gives you the systems, tools, and support to amplify your voice and share your work with the world.

Hi! I'm Amanda.

You’re a heart-centred entrepreneur changing the world, and I’m the hearty ambitious generating gemini guide who’s here to illuminate your journey to make it happen!

Inside Monarch Business Academy I developed an 8-step process called Signature 8 that takes you successfully from business vision to launch. 

I’m here to help transform your life, strategize your business and guide and hold space for you to step into your highest potential!

No fluff. No wasted energy. No “one size fits all.” 

I can’t wait to work with you!

Me too...let's do this!

Hi! I'm Jenn.

I help leaders and achievers tap into the limitless power and potential within, so they can do the important and impactful work they were meant to do in this world. 

I take your vision and with a heart-centred approach, eliminate any blocks, barriers, beliefs, and/or blind spots that could hold you back from getting all your awesomeness out there! 

Inside MBA, I am your Accountability Assassin coming at you with a whole lot of love and compassion balm as you transform inside of MBA. With my jedi mindset tricks and trainings, you will reach your next level with ease and speed!  

So ready for this!

Signature 8

Dream it

DREAM the life you want to live! Mindset matters when it comes to vision. Get ready as we dive deep. Bust through limiting beliefs and get clear on your future.

Know it

Understand why you are doing it. Uncover the core beliefs behind what you do. KNOWING your why is essential to achieving your dream!

Be it

Your core values explain who you are at the deepest level. When you live aligned with your values, you are free to BE you!

Give it

Understanding who your ideal clients are and what motivates their behaviours, allows you to GIVE them what they need. Better service means better value.

Build it

Lay the foundation. You can't BUILD a roof without a solid foundation. Regardless of where you are on the journey, we start by building a solid foundation.

Reach it

Share your talents and gifts! With access to several top industry experts, learn how to effectively REACH your target audience.  

Launch it

There is no one size fits all. With a customized roadmap and LAUNCH plan, you gain the hyperfocus and clarity you need to succeed!

Love it

Gratitude changes everything. Acknowledge your journey and feel deep gratitude and LOVE for the work you have done.

Week 0: Welcome to the cocoon Monarchs!!! 

Pre-Recorded Trainings: 

  • Mindset & Dreaming Big 
  • The Truth About Launching
  • Low Value Activities & Your Genius Zone
  • Understanding Who You Serve & Niching Down 
  • Lead Magnets & Sales Funnels
  • Conversion Copy | The Sales Page  
  • Strategic Content To Reach & Connect With Your Ideal Clients
  • Instagram for Business
  • Webinars That Work
  • The Purpose of Prelaunch
  • The 5 Phases of a Successful Launch
  • Automation & Onboarding to WOW - Systems Set You Free
  • Launch in Flo | Infradian Rhythms & Doing Business Differently 
  • Implementing Gratitude...It Changes Everything


Celebrating Success!

Stacey Carswell

“The Everyday Athlete Program”

Challenge: Feeling stuck and limited – needed to transition the business and grow it online


√ 1 registration away from stretch goal

√ Feels inspired and connected to her work again

√ Sees limitless potential

"The program helped me realize that there’s a way to share my business with the world that comes from my heart and a place of passion. I had taken other business courses in my field and they always felt pushy and it didn't fit with me. Amanda showed me there are a lot of ways to reach my audience. I plan to continue to apply what I have learned and "launch" again and again with more focus and purpose."


There are so many moving parts when building and launching a business you love. The Monarch Business Academy focuses on building a strong foundation and breaking down the nitty-gritty so you can build, grow and launch with ease and speed. Everyone's journey is different and unique. Choose the path that feels most aligned to you!


Pay in Full

√ Pre-Recorded Training Videos

√ A Comprehensive Launch Toolkit & Tech Vault 

√ 1 Year access inside Monarch Momentum Community Membership 

Purchase Now


Monarch Business Academy is a business accelerator and mentorship program designed for heart-centred women and women identifying entrepreneurs who want to grow and scale their businesses with ease and speed. 

As the saying goes, you get out what we put in. This program gives you a step-by-step strategy for success. Access to several key industry experts, training modules, tools, resources, and video tutorials keeps you focused and organized with major accountability. 

You have access to the program content for life. Use our 8-step methodology and extensive resource library every time you launch! We update the toolkit monthly to ensure relevant and current content and tools. Don't see the resource you need? Simply REQUEST WHAT YOU NEED, and we promise to find it within a month. Now that's service!

When you're scaling to 6 figures and beyond we recommend blocking out 5-8 hours weekly to focus ON your business. Some business owners put in more time, others less. It isn’t necessarily about the quantity of time but your effective use of the time you put in.  

Please contact us at [email protected]. We aim to respond within 24 hours Mon-Fri.  Prefer to chat? DM Amanda on Instagram and she will voice note back and forth with you to see if it's a great fit. 

Celebrating Success!

Emily Conley

“The Copy Party”

Challenge: Having a successful launch! 


√ Sold out 10 spots of beta round

√ Most successful launches following the strategy and plan

√ Reached consistent $20K months

√ Confident in process, program and mindset

The biggest win in my opinion was that I had all the tools AND mindset I needed. I had no one sign up for the first two days, and I wanted to quit. But I knew I had a plan and was committed to seeing it through. And it WORKED! Outside of launching, this program was the main impetus behind me hitting my first $10k month."

Monarchs are part of a thriving community of entrepreneurial women striving to live a purpose-driven life of impact, joy, and fulfillment. Once you’ve connected, you are a friend for life! Whether you are looking for like-minded friends, strategic partnerships, or just a comfortable place to connect, we offer many opportunities for growth and collaboration. Every year we host a Monarch retreat to connect with community đŸ’—

Testimonials...aka Monarch Love

Jess, The YouPower Project 

Life changing coaching and curriculum that helped me unearth the woman and entrepreneur I always knew I was, all while being supported by an incredible team of heart-centred professionals and peers. I cannot say enough how valuable MBA has been to me both on a personal and professional valuable I enrolled in the program a second time!

Lori, Yoga Journey Collingwood

Amanda is exceptionally talented, professional and she truly cares about each and everyone of her clients.  She's a motivational coach, cheerleader, obstacle-remover, accountability partner and serious business person all wrapped up into one.  She has the ability to see where we hold ourselves back and the ability to pull us out of the weeds. I cannot recommend her or her services highly enough.

Victoria Ryan, Momfidence Accelerator

MBA was definitely the momentum I needed to hit the ground running for 2023. I launched messy at the end of November and learned so much! My email subscribers increased, I have newsletters going out weekly now, packed with freebies and value content. My Facebook group has taken off with members engaging on their own which is an incredible feeling. I'm feeling really excited for this year and much more confident in my next steps. Thanks for being my cheerleader, for all your help during and outside of MBA, and for introducing me to so many new things! Thank you x infinity!

Traci, The Love Project 365

As I go through this program, and learn from you, I am reminded that I can learn how to make wiser business decisions but to always be true to who I am. Watching you run a successful business as such a kind, generous and connected person is showing me what's possible. You continually remind me that I have permission to be myself and I can be a powerful business woman at the same time. I think MBA is a beautiful program that supports women entrepreneurs in the most caring and empowering way possible. I'm honoured to be part of it.


Sharing more Monarch love...

"What an incredible experience this has been. THANK YOU for all of your reinforcement it has been unbelievably appreciated. You woke me up to many truths and the possibility that the membership could actually happen. My heart is full and I am going to steep in that."
Jill Proud, Your Bigger Future Membership Launch
"In our first Momentum Call inside the program, I went from feeling overwhelmed by the process, to feeling like it was completely doable. All within five minutes. Amanda has a way of making the impossible seem so possible.  Amanda lies. She's not just a launch expert. She is actually a map maker, showing you the shortest, easiest path to launching your product."
Lora Groves, No Stress SEO 
"I would absolutely recommend this program! The amount you learn and the fact that you can continually reuse the information for every launch you do... it's invaluable. I have already started helping people with launches, and it's given me such a deeper understanding of the role of a funnel and reasons why some funnels haven't been successful in the past. I also feel confident  with my own personal launches in the future. This was so awesome. I learned so much from this, including how I want to show up for my future students. Thanks for being amazing & setting the bar so high." 
Jess Haney, Copy and Funnels
"As an educator that has taught 15,000 students deep, intuition-based classes in person for 30 years using a 'word-of-mouth model' I have found that transitioning in the past four years to On-Line teaching has been a unique experience. Over the last decade, I have just seen too many hyped up sales funnels and Kool-Aid stands selling everyone on how to grow their business. Most of what I have been exposed to has felt immature and lacking in genuineness. Having taken the program I have renewed confidence. Amanda was educational, professional, yet very down to Earth. It is hard to achieve that genuine balance. I now feel more open to blending these newer models with our current approach without feeling fake with our precious students. That is very important to me." 
Lori Wilson, Inner Access 101 

"The launch process with The Monarch was so organized and structured. The Launch more than doubled our membership numbers and recurring monthly revenue! The roadmap and work with Amanda is incredibly helpful to help reduce the overwhelm associated with launching."

Meagan Williamson, Pin Potential Membership

You are always one decision away from a completely different life.

The impact you are looking to make in this world is within reach.


50% Complete

Two Step

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